Fall Booster Bash
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
6pm to 8pm
Parlay Kitchen and Cocktails
Spring Mixer
6pm to 8pm
Joining the Booster Club sets a positive example for your child and demonstrates the importance of their education and citizenship. Also, by putting your skills and hobbies to use, you can make a meaningful contribution to the well-being of all students within ACP Middle School and the surrounding community.
WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU! So if you are you interested in becoming a Booster Board Member, Committee Chair, Member At Large, serve on a committee or just meeting a great group of parents, please RSVP to the General Meeting.
Attending the meeting - Links for documents are at the bottom of this page.
Questions? Please email knights@acpmsbooster.org
Booster Club Executive Board Positions - General Descriptions
President / Co-President
Attend and Chair Booster Club and Executive Board meetings
Enforce all by-laws and policies
Assist and coordinate chairpersons, as needed
Outline and supervise all Booster Club fundraising efforts
Set general and Executive Board meeting times.
Serve as representative for the Chandler School Boosters, Inc., Site Council, etc.
Work with committee chairs and committees as needed
Vice President /
Co-Vice President
Attend Booster Club and Executive Board meetings
Have all the powers and perform all the duties in case of the temporary absence of the President/Co-President
In the event of a permanent absence of a Co-President, the Vice President shall ascend to the Co-President
Serve as Alternate Representative for the Chandler School Boosters, Inc.
Work with committee chairs and committees as needed
Secretary / Co-Secretary
Attend Booster Club and Executive Board meetings
Record/maintain written documentation of all meetings, executive and general. As a minimum, minutes must include a list of all expenses (amount, date expended, description and check number, if applicable) since the last minutes were approved.
Present a written report of previous Booster Club meeting minutes
Handle correspondence of the organization
Handle organization of the general calendar
Work with committee chairs and committees as needed
Treasurer / Co-Treasurer
Attend Booster Club and Executive Board meetings
Coordinate and maintain financial records for all Booster Club sponsored fundraising activities
Maintain all Booster Club bank accounts, keeping accurate records of all receipts and expenditures
Receive all monies of organization, and make deposits into bank account
Present a current report of financial status at Booster Club meetings
Prepare a monthly bank reconciliation for all bank accounts, and ensure that reconciliations are reviewed by a non-signatory
Other Elected/Appointed Positions General Descriptions
Communications Coordinator
Attend Booster Club and Executive Board meetings
Monitor social media accounts
Post regularly on social media accounts
Develop and maintain club images and branding for the purposes of communication
Work with committee members and committee chairs, to develop and maintain club images/branding/content for the purposes of communication
Member At Large
Attend Booster Club and Executive Board meetings
Assists other Board members or Committee chairs as help is needed
May chair one or more committees throughout the year
Duties change as needed to address overall organizational goals
Work with committee chairs and committees as needed
Committees / Areas of interests
Student/School Events - Field Day, Back to School Swim Party, Dawn of the Knights, Curriculum Knight, Dances - 6th Grade Dance, 8th Grade Semi-Formal, State Testing Support, Knight of the Arts, 8th Grade Awards Night
Faculty/Staff Appreciation - Staff Lunch Coordinator (3x/year), Staff birthdays, Holiday Teachers Gifts (Thanksgiving / Christmas), Teacher Appreciation Week
School Support - Copy room coordinator, Front Office volunteering
Fundraising - SWAG (Merchandise) sales, Family restaurant nights, School Cents, Fry's Community Rewards, Dress Down days
Communications/Social Media - post and promote booster events and fundraisers on social media, newsletters and booster blogs; Develop brand aligned content for communication purposes
Community Events - coordinate community volunteer events and get togethers for families of ACP Middle School
Meeting Documents - (documents have viewing access only)